Type II/#K202: Anna Judith Piller, alias “Anna Baltzer”
hmmph….evidently not tender enough:

June 2008: honeymoon pic, Anna Judith @ age 29, with new (non-Jew) husband doing the rowing and into whose (St. Louis) house she moved.
and later admitted (having just missed killing herself by another gulp or two) that she
“felt kinda ill” afterwards.

and sometimes, more candles than one. Here’s Anna Judith with her blond first daughter, the Nordic-looking one that she pix’s a lot. Being brought up, of course, as a Jew. The younger – brunette, probably looking more like Jew mom than goy dad – she has yet to feature.
update, 6/3/22: recent confessional post @ Anna Judith’s FB page….
….which relates her anti-White venom to her fundamental Jewishness.